
Welcome to Brazil in Perth

we care

Hi 😊, 

Welcome to Brazil in Perth, and welcome to my blog.

Anyone that has spent time with me knows that I love to talk….well, I am Brazilian after all….so this blog is really just an extension of me. I won’t always be talking about my products or their benefits, but I will always be talking about things that interest me. I hope you all can relate to what I have to say.

Anyway, before I go, I wanted to share a little interaction that I had recently that brought upon some self-reflection and helped me understand myself a little better (which is always a good thing I believe)….so, some one very close to me, recently told me that I do not show or have empathy towards other people, or should I say towards that person in particular. This got me thinking about myself and how I interact with other people’s emotions.

Was she right? Do I really not have empathy?
I most certainly have compassion, in bucket loads actually.

Whilst I understand that empathy generally refers to experiencing another person’s pain (or happiness), I didn’t know that there are 2 types of empathy….emotional empathy and cognitive empathy.

Emotional empathy is a visceral experience – you directly feel the same feelings as another person. Cognitive empathy is slightly more detached – a person simply understands cognitively what another person is going through but remains in a different emotional state.

Time for the self-reflection!!!

My compassion, in bucket loads, helps me care about others feelings without feeling their pain. When I feel others pain I can get overwhelmed and withdrawn, this doesn’t help others and more importantly it doesn’t help me.

Self-care is important….very important.

So, do I have empathy? Most certainly yes….cognitive empathy. This helps me show compassion and help others, but also helps me maintain my own well-being. I’m happy in how God made me and I will continue to look after myself and others. I’m sure God is happy with that as well.

Talk again soon…..

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